-Name : Chris
-Ingame Name : Swift
-Class : Sagittarius/Adv
-How long have you been playing L2 : Since the release. 1st chronicle
-Do you have a working microphone : yes
-your prior Clans : None on this Server. New here.
-your prior Servers : Retail for about 7 years on Bartz server. 1 Year on Shillen retail server after GoD release. L2dreams, L2 echokinetics, many others for short time.
Left because of low english speaking player base
-your native language : English
-your Country : U.S
-your Timezone : Central
-your Age : 22
-Are you able to be online for Epics/Sieges : Yes
-What do u expect of our Clan : To become a top clan as far as pvp, Never back down from opponents, and to be helpful to others when they're in need.
-How would you define the word - loyalty? : Loyalty is sticking around no matter how bad the situation is. Helping others when able. Always being there for clan mates.
-How can we contact you out of the game : Twitter/facebook. Forums? feel free to ask for info.
-Describe yourself with 1 or 2 words : Dedicated. Experienced.
Hello everyone. Just wanted to introduce myself. Like it says my name is Chris. I'm a 22 year old student in college right now. Will most likely be getting a job in the next few weeks so just to be aware. As of now I'm able to put in 6-8 hours per day into playing. I just found this server and I have been searching for a while for a great low rate server with some longevity, and people to play with. I'm looking for people who plan to play somewhat long term..(longer than 2 weeks at least) I've played archer and dagger mostly for the bulk of my experience in Lineage 2. I'm hoping I can contribute my skills and experience to better others and add to the growth of the clan as a whole.